Saturday, September 24, 2011

30 Day (Minute) Book Challenge

A friend of mine tagged me in this 30 Day Book Challenge on Facebook and I thought it would be fun to fill out. I was supposed to wait and answer one of these a day... but I decided instead I would try to answer them all under 30 minutes because I have ADHD and that's just how I roll.

I was also supposed to put this on Facebook in my Notes and tag 30 friends, but I switched to the new Timeline and I can't figure out where Notes is anymore. #FacePalm

Here goes...

Day 1: Favorite book – “Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy” by Douglas Adams

Day 2: Least favorite book: I’ve never finished a book I don’t like.

Day 3: Book that makes you laugh out loud: “Restaurant by the End of the Universe” by Douglas Adams

Day 4: Book that makes you cry: “Watchers” by Stephen King

Day 5: Book you wish you could live in: A romance… pretty much any of them. :P

Day 6: Favorite young adult book: “Emotional Intelligence” by Daniel Goleman – not a young adult book but every young adult should read it.

Day 7: Book that you can quote/recite: “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Dr. Stephen R. Covey

Day 8: Book that scares you: “Intensity” by Dean Kontz

Day 9: Book that makes you sick: Can't think of any.

Day 10: Book that changed your life: “Shortcut to a Miracle”

Day 11: Book from your favorite author: “So Long and Thanks for all the Fish” by Douglas Adams

Day 12: Book that is most like your life: “The Complete Works of William Shakespeare” :P

Day 13: Book whose main character is most like you: I’m not sure but it would be fun to hear what other people suggest.

Day 14: Book whose main character you want to marry: “Burr” by Gore Vidal

Day 15: First “chapter book” you can remember reading as a child: It was something with vampires. I read a LOT of vampire novels in my youth.

Day 16: Longest book you’ve read: Probably the book I’m reading now, “Godel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid” by Douglas R. Hofstader

Day 17: Shortest book you’ve read: “Plato: Dialogues”

Day 18: Book you’re most embarrassed to say you like: Can't think of any.

Day 19: Book that turned you on: "Delta of the Venus" by Anis Nin

Day 20: Book you’ve read the most number of times: "Are you my Mother" by Dr. Seuss (with the voices)

Day 21: Favorite picture book from childhood: “Where’s Waldo”

Day 22: Book you plan to read next: “Atlas Shrugged” by Ayn Rand

Day 23: Book you tell people you’ve read, but haven’t (or haven’t actually finished) I’ve never told someone I’ve read something I haven’t read.

Day 24: Book that contains your favorite scene: Cant remember the name of the book now but it was a biography of Aaron Burr. The scene was when Burr was in the Revolutionary War and sliced off an unruly soldiers arm to make a point. Bad. Ass.

Day 25: Favorite book you read in school: “Theories of Human Communication” by Littlejohn and Foss

Day 26: Favorite nonfiction book: “Age of Abundance: How Prosperity Transformed America’s Politics and Culture” by Brink Lindsey

Day 27: Favorite fiction book: “Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy” by Douglas Adams

Day 28: Last book you read: "Food Revolution: How Your Diet Can Help Save Your Life and Our World" by John Robins

Day 29: Book you’re currently reading: I’m reading two, “The Evolution of Cooperation” by Robert Axelrod and “Godel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid” by Douglas R. Hofstader

Day 30: Favorite coffee table book: Atlas of the Universe